WAI! After how many years we finally managed to strong-arm you into getting on a chat session so we can have a talk! Yeah it has been a while. Okay I guess the first question I would like to know is this. Your real name is like DJ or something right? What does that mean? David Justin. It's my first and middle name. Most people just call me DJ though. Angel said it had two meanings? Oh that... um, it has to do with another character that I played. Wasn't done as long as Rizzen was but a lot of people call me that as a nickname because our initials are the same. And what's that? Data Jack. It was a hacker mage from WOD. Speaking of characters. How do you feel about playing Rizzen? He's probably the most difficult character I've ever had! (laughs) Okay, so let's get straight to the heart of it. What about the whole relationship thing with his twin? I knew that was coming. Of course! Well... that's why he's a challenge to me. I would never do 90% of the things he does. Most characters that I have played were like Dez! But I know Angel well and appreciated all that she was going through with AoA. She gives 300% everytime to it and when the problem came up that she couldn't keep up with such an NPC as him, I offered to play him for her with her coaching. So the whole shounen-ai thing is... ? Weird. :D But I can handle it. I consider myself very open-minded about things and I thought, you know... she trusts me with the most ridiculously superpowered character in AoA. I'm not going to blow it off. I took it as a challenge. Fantasy is suspension of belief. Just because I personally would not, nor could EVER think like that, doesn't mean that I can't play act a bisexual character. It was my test of being a true role-player. So Rizzen is bisexual? Pretty much. Well, he's not anything right now... but I think when its all said and done, he will be. And you deal with all the rabid bishounen lovers like me and Tenshi right? Yeah and Angel's the Queen of them all. But Rizzen is almost scary at times. Scary? He's a guy more beautiful than any female in the whole game! *LOL*!! But that's okay, I can roll with that. I think the one of the hardest things is playing a pacifist. Half the time Argon's being a pain in the ass and I want to just Guyver blast the whole lot of them. *ROTFL*!!!!! and Angel won't let you? No, she won't let me. But I get to cause mass property damage if I need to get out some anger. :D The other half of the time I get so frustrated with the chasing Dez thing that I want to go seduce all his females just to get back at him. But I can't do that either. (pouts) (laughs!) So Dez is a problem? Dez is my unicorn. Unicorn?!? Ever seen 'Gone in 60 Seconds'? OH!!! The one thing he wants but can't catch, right? Yeah, exactly. But I've taken that as a challenge too. At first I was like, this character has serious *issues*. He's in love with his twin brother. But then I got to thinking over time... you know, he has this high ass comeliness going for him. His clothes would make anyone in Infinity die to possess. Dammit he's sex and beauty in living breathing form and I sure as hell won't have gone this long and give up! Unicorns can be caught! *ROTFLMAO*!!! So you were probably glad of the whole bite thing? *sweatdrops* I was glad that Angel wrote that post... (laughs) No seriously. You know, you get so caught up in the chase, you don't what to do now that it's over. I wouldn't have known what to do in that situation or even how to write it out. I knew Rizzen would probably blow, but I couldn't see myself writing it. Yeah Angel's good about being sensitive of people. If you tell her that is. :-) Yeah, she's like that. So what's in Rizzen's future now? Well... he hadn't lost his love over Dez. It's just put on the back shelf for the moment. I think in some ways Rizzen will always be pursuing Dez, but now I can do other stuff. The foundation has been laid out. Yeah exactly. What about Casey? *LOL*! Oh man... umm... I'm still debating that one. I think something will eventually develop between them. If Valan doesn't object that is. Personally I don't see Valan interfering. Me either really. Especially since Casey had the hang up on Rizzen before he even met Valan. So probably Casey will be Valan's mate and Rizzen's lover or something. (shrugs) Whatever. What about this rumor of Rizzen having a 'Sexual Arts Specialization'? *LOL*!!! Actually that's true. How did you weasel that one?? Catching Angel when she's overly tired. :D She's more likely to be in a 'what the hell' mood. So how did you get it? Oh well I found out about the Netbook of Lawful Carnal Knowledge and read it. One day I said it would be very ironic if puritan Rizzen was a master of sexual arts and didn't know about it. Uh huh... She laughed and stuck it on his character sheet and forgot about it. ;) Ah so I guess that's coming into play soon. ;) So what females have you been scooping? (smirks) Um... Amalthea for one. I want to steal all of Argon's female companions! They were chasing ME once. But I dunno... Leona scares me now. I more afraid of HER than Argon. Hell hath no fury... yadda yadda, I'm sure you know that. ;) *sweatdrops* Really though! Damn... (pouts) What about Sylene?? (laughs) Well she hasn't shown any interest in him! Gotta do something about that. Any others? Well, Reesha's too much of a control freak for me. Sorry but these chains and bondage crap has to go! Rizzen's the WRONG person for any S&M stuff! *ROTFL* But he has such a high tolerance for pain!! Not by choice! :D Yeah, Rizzen's too pretty to be mean to. He's pettable. ;) (coughs and laughs) I meant to ask you. Which would Rizzen be in a relationship with Casey? Uke or Seme? Seme probably. I talked with Casey a while back via email and that's going to come out at some point. Casey doesn't want to, to put it blunt, 'mount' Rizzen. He never did. From what I gather he shifts command with Valan, but nine times out of ten he's the one being mounted. (shakes his head) Whichever... it only means Rizzen would end up Seme with him. I wondered that, but Casey seems such a strong character. Maybe it's just preference of position then. But that's neither here nor there. (clears her throat and grins) So Rizzen is Uke to Dez then... IF it ever happened. Please, Rizzen'll be chasing him from now till the end of time. It's probably not going to ever happen. And I know that Dez would never, EVER in this or any alternate universe, become anybody's Uke. :D *LOL* I hear you on that one! You know a lot about the whole shounen-ai thing huh? I've had to learn. I got *educated* on that. :D Ouch! Well you don't get a character like this without consequences and all. He comes with flaws and limitations. I'm amazed though that this game has run so long with people who don't mind these things. Dez is just the coolest player I've ever matched against. He's like a giant goal or something. He does so much stuff and puts up with all this crap without flipping out on a person... its inspiration for me to become a better player. Still the unicorn, huh? (laughs) I guess so! You gonna steal his women? He only has the two! ;D I can't do that to him. Rizzen's not into demons... yet, and Birendra he's more friends with. I can't see him going anywhere with her. And besides that, he would never do such things to his brother. What about the other characters? Umm... Dion's a goofball. But he has a big heart and he's awesome when he's serious. Valan is very cool. Tsuga has issues... ! Grivon I can see being in eternal combat with Dez just for the hell of using him as an excuse to get better. Casey is fun as hell! Being an openly gay character, he's like the ruby in a pile of diamonds. The whole Jell-O thing had me dying laughing! Me too! :D Thornn is awesome too. I love that puppy! Thornn's the emerald in a pile of diamonds. He stands out because he's so... human and believable. He has his powers but they don't overshadow who he is, you know? He seems so down to earth and normal... until he fires laser beams at you. :D LOL!! That's so true! Umm... Kirin has an awesome background. And Malcolith is not as psycho as usual. But that's probably because he's not around Argon right now. (wonders) What about Ran? Huh? What are you going to do with Ran? You kinda control him now and all. Oh... probably keep Casey away from him for one. ;) Heh... I'm sorry, a guy who can look you over and then know your measurements is a little bit too 'practiced'! LOL!!!!! Well he did put the salve on, so his hands have been on him. Yeah but *still*!! How the hell can you determine a person's measurements that well?? That's scary! Ha! Anyway, I'm not sure. What do you do with a half-amazon dragon boy? I just hope I don't have to fight him again soon. Shoot it's getting close to time for you to go isn't it? Yeah. Well I won't hold you here, then. I'm just glad you finally came out to talk to us fans! (laughing) Okay if you say so. Hope to see you again! See ya!